Where Every Drop Counts - In an effort to move towards a more clean and green future, water harvesting/catchment is the perfect way to care for the environment while reducing your independence on a mains water supply.

Irrigation Solutions

Water sprinkler timer installation - Selwyn Irrigation NZ
Irrigation Solutions for better water management  - Installing a sprinker timer irrigation system - Selwyn Irrigation NZ

Types of Irrigation

  • Drip Line irrigations systems can be above ground or under the surface and is ideal for most garden areas. It allows water to penetrate directly to the root system of planting without wasting water via weather conditions. This is installed with other types of irrigation and includes pipes, valves and controllers.

  • Ideal for above ground irrigating for gardens allowing a fine spray of water to delicate garden areas. Used in conjunction with pipes, valves and controllers.

  • Impact sprinklers like Mini sprinklers can cover medium to large garden areas including lawns and are used in connection with the design style and requirements of the owner and garden area.

  • Pop Up sprinklers are the most popular choice when it comes to watering lawns, parks and commercial areas, with a variety of heads to adjust water to each and every application. Versatility is the key when designing an area with pop ups and comes with pipes, valves and controllers.

  • Ideal for lifestyle and more rural applications, they have the ability to cover larger areas and are easily transported to all areas of a lifestyle block. Pipes sit above with pods and can be relocated to fixed underground connections.

  • Nutrient rich garden, plants and produce

  • Environmentally friendly

  • Water conservation

  • Long term cost effectiveness

  • Save time

  • Increase the value of your property

Benefits of Irrigation

Water irrigation management solutions for your home - - Selwyn Irrigation NZ
Every Drop counts smart water systems - Selwyn Irrigation NZ
Irrigation service and smart watering - Selwyn Irrigation NZ

Our goal of being environmentally friendly is a key factor in ensuring the efficient use of water storage, while protecting the quality of your water.


Rain harvesting is an excellent option for all your water needs, it can be used for lots of different situations, from irrigation, to washing clothes or dishes, or even washing your car. This versatility reduces your reliance upon Council metered water invoices, lowering your water bill, and saving you money

Selwyn Irrigation can help set up all your clean, environmentally friendly Rain Harvest needs;

  • Environmentally friendly water storage ideas

  • Supply of tanks and pumps

  • Cost effective ways to reduce your independence on mains water supply


Filtration is another area we can help with regards to inline filters fitted in residential application and lifestyle. We design systems that relate directly to your needs.

We have access to a wide range of products to service all areas as follows;

  • Residential sections, home and garden 

  • Commercial

  • Lifestyle and Rural Blocks

Our professional team can design a custom system that’s suited to your needs, with the option of either manual or automated technologies. These systems also help aid the efficient use of water while also being environmentally friendly.

At Selwyn Irrigation we pride ourselves upon great service for all forms of irrigation, while making sure to recommend the best water solutions for your individual needs.

Golf Course irrigation and water management systems - Selwyn Irrigation NZ
Selwyn Irrigation NZ  - Team
Irrigation Maintenance Service from an experienced team - Selwyn Irrigation NZ

Irrigation Maintenance Service

Service & Experience is key at Selwyn irrigation.

We offer a follow-up and maintenance service to ensure your system
remains cost and water-use efficient at all times. We also offer maintenance and
installation of all sizes of pumps, ranging from Domestic to Residential, Lifestyle or Commercial.

‘‘Such a great customer experience. The team was very engaged and helpful throughout the process. Couldn't be happier with the end result!’’